LMR de glyphosate non fondées scientifiquement

La proposition de l’ARLA d’augmenter le glyphosate dans les légumineuses n’est pas conforme à la science ou à la loi
Voici une mise à jour de l’histoire des LMR de glyphosate, l’histoire de la proposition de l’Agence de réglementation de la lutte antiparasitaire (ARLA) de Santé Canada visant à autoriser plus de glyphosate dans les aliments.  Safe Food Matters Inc. (SFM) et Prevent Cancer Now (PCN) ont reçu des informations sur les ” données d’essai confidentielles ” qui sous-tendent le PMRL 2021-10 (la proposition). Les données ont été reçues de l’ARLA le 28 janvier 2022, soit plus de huit mois après la date à laquelle elles ont été demandées, le 12 mai 2021.
Les groupes signalent que la base scientifique et juridique de la proposition est mal fondée. Cet article fournit un résumé de la soumission de SFM et PCN sur la proposition, qui a été fournie à l’ARLA le 13 avril …Read More

A Small Group of Thoughtful, Committed Citizens Can Change the Law

Safe Food Matters logs key win on glyphosate case in Canada
The Federal Court of Appeal handed Safe Food Matters a major win on February 2, 2022 when it ordered Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) to take another look at the group’s notice of objection to PMRA’s 2017 decision to re-register glyphosate in Canada.
The case, Safe Food Matters Inc. v. Canada (Attorney General), is the first decision of the Federal Court of Appeal on PMRA and on glyphosate, the most used and by-far most controversial pesticide in the world.  It comes at a time when Europe is debating registration, and US legal cases on re-registration are in the works.
What is remarkable is the case (SFM Case) was taken and won by a tiny group with no financial backing, a lawyer with a conscience, GoFund Me supporters and others. Here’s the story of this small group.

In 2015, PMRA …Read More

Safe Food Matters Wins Glyphosate Court Case!

Back to the drawing board for PMRA to address the glyphosate objection
February 2, 2022. The Federal Court of Appeal has issued a decision in favour of Safe Food Matters in a court case concerning the pesticide glyphosate. The decision remits the matter back to the Pest Management Regulatory Agency for reconsideration, and offers strong guidance to PMRA to avoid “the endless merry-go-round” of court applications and reconsiderations.
In 2017, Safe Food Matters (and others) filed objections to PMRA’s decision RVD2017-01 to re-register glyphosate in Canada, and PMRA rejected the objections in 2019 with a form letter and dismissive reasons. Safe Food Matters filed in Federal Court, lost, then appealed. The win means a review panel could still be struck to review RVD2017-01 and recommend that it be confirmed, reversed or varied.
Mary Lou McDonald, LL.B., President of Safe Food Matters, commented:

When we started this case, we said ‘we believe in the …Read More

Le glyphosate en cour 9 décembre 2021

Le glyphosate fera l’objet d’un examen minutieux de la Cour d’appel fédérale du Canada le 9 décembre 2021. Safe Food Matters Inc. veut un examen de la décision de 2017 qui a permis au produit de rester enregistré au Canada pendant plus de 15 ans.

Ce cas diffère des autres cas de glyphosate. Celui-ci porte sur les mesures prises par l’organisme de réglementation, l’Agence de réglementation de la lutte antiparasitaire (ARLA), et non sur la question de savoir si le produit chimique cause le cancer.

Mary Lou McDonald, présidente de Safe Food Matters Inc., a déclaré :

« Nous ne pensons pas que l’ARLA ait effectué une évaluation valide du glyphosate avant de prendre sa décision concernant l’homologation. Nous leur avons donné un avis avec des objections détaillées et réfléchies, étayées par des preuves scientifiques et scientifiques crédibles, et l’ARLA vient de les rejeter d’un coup de main. Nous demandons à …Read More

Glyphosate in Court December 9, 2021

Glyphosate will be under scrutiny by Canada ‘s Federal Court of Appeal on December 9, 2021.  Safe Food Matters Inc. wants a review of the 2017 decision that allowed the product to stay registered in Canada for another 15 plus years.
This case differs from other glyphosate cases. This one is about the actions of the regulator, the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA), not about whether the chemical causes cancer.
Mary Lou McDonald, President of Safe Food Matters Inc. stated:

“We don’t think PMRA performed a valid assessment of glyphosate before making its registration decision. We gave them a notice with detailed and thoughtful objections, backed up with credible science and scientific rationale, and PMRA just dismissed them out of hand. We are asking the Court to look at what PMRA did, to hold them to account for proper decision-making.”Mary Lou McDonald, President, Safe Food Matters Inc.

If the Court agrees, a review panel …Read More

Pesticide Reform: Letter to Ministers

Re: Steps that Can Be Taken Now without Act Amendment

Dear Ministers of Health, Environment & Climate Change, and Agriculture and Agri-Food,
I am a lawyer and the president of Safe Food Matters Inc., a Canadian non-profit corporation founded in 2016 dedicated to protecting human health and the environment from harmful pesticides and crop production technologies.  We think pesticide products can be quite harmful, and as a result they warrant proper and thorough assessment by the Pest Management Regulatory Agency (“PMRA”). 
The issue is so serious to us that we took PMRA to court over its 2017 reregistration of glyphosate, and the case is now at the Federal Court of Appeal. For more on the case, please see our backgrounder on our website https://safefoodmatters.org/.
Because of our lawsuits, we are very familiar with the Pest Control Products Act (the “Act”) and the approach of the PMRA to the Act. We are writing …Read More


On August 3, 2021, the Government of Canada announced it would pause proposed increases on Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) of pesticides, including MRLs for glyphosate. There was public outcry to the proposed increases, and the Ministers of Health, Environment and Climate Change and Agriculture and Agri-Food heard it.
The Government says it will review specific provisions of the Pest Control Product Act (the Act), including the initiation of the review process. Safe Food Matters, Prevent Cancer Now, Friends of the Earth and other NGOs have serious concerns with the way the Act has been managed for years by the Pest Management Review Agency (PMRA).
Safe Food Matters and others call for an inquiry into PMRA’s management of pesticides, and a full review of the Act. Some concerns warranting an inquiry and review are set out below.
Why a Full Review is Needed
With respect to MRLs, the Act states that any person can apply …Read More

UPDATE: Comment ’til Sept 3 on Glyphosate MRL increases

Health Canada/ PMRA has granted an extension for commenting on increased maximum residue limits in foods until September 3. The extension is because of “the level of interest and number of comments received to date” and COVID delays.  A significantly large number of comments were submitted by July 20, the initial deadline.

The extension and additional background are in this document, which should form the basis for any new comments: Consultation on Glyphosate, Proposed Maximum Residue Limit PMRL2021-10 – Canada.ca.

Please submit comments to: E-mail: hc.pmra.publications-arla.sc@canada.ca  Please share with SafeFoodMatters@gmail.com and Info@PreventCancerNow.ca

Here is the initial post and detail on the Proposal. Look for additional communications and what you can say and do about the Proposal, coming soon.

Health Canada Wants to Increase Glyphosate in Food

Have your say by July 20th!


The Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) is proposing to increase the amount of glyphosate (Roundup®) permitted in Canadian food. Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) may be doubled, tripled or almost quadrupled for oats and bran, lentils, peas and 25 types of beans such as chickpeas, kidney beans and pinto beans, as well as nuts (almonds, pecans and walnuts, mostly coming from the US).


Current MRL

Proposed MRL

Proposed Increase

Oats and bran



2.3 fold




2.5 fold




2.0 fold




3.75 fold


0.4 ppm


2.5 fold

Why? Farmers are using more glyphosate-based herbicides (GBHs). This amounts to regulation of the status quo.
As weeds become resistant, higher herbicide doses affect the environment, contaminate our food and risk our health. This model threatens Organic Agriculture, and does not optimize carbon capture in soil, support biodiversity, nor build resilience to face the climate crisis.
Whose food will be most affected?
Canadian children. Glyphosate in childrens’ cereals (in oats and bran) are already …Read More