Past Events
Farm to Fork On Common Ground
September 24-25, 2016
Presented by Toronto Non-GMO Coalition/Safe Food Matters and Historic Fort York.
Farm to Fork On Common Ground celebrated the harvest season and national Organic Week with a festival of safe and healthy food, music, arts, and community. Featuring an Ontario organic farmers’ market, organic beer and wine, dozens of Non-GMO and organic food vendors, well-researched speakers, soulful music, Indigenous artists and elders, food workshops, environmental defenders, and of course food safety and seed freedom educators.
Celebrate Farm to Fork ~ Toronto GMO-Free Festival
May 20, 2017
Presented by the Toronto Non-GMO Coalition/Safe Food Matters and the David Suzuki Foundation.
Celebrate Farm to Fork, Toronto’s only GMO-free & organic food festival celebrated Ontario’s thriving non-GMO and organic sector. Educating consumers on where our food comes from, the festival featured local food system, pesticide and organic agriculture experts, local musicians, environmental exhibitors and safe food vendors.
Salmon that has been genetically modified to grow faster has been approved. Health Canada states “in every other way, the AquaAdvantage salmon is identical to other farmed salmon”. Not true. For one thing, it has higher levels of the growth hormone IGF-1[i] [ii], which is tied to several common cancers, including prostate, breast, colorectum, and lung[iii]. For another, some of the GM salmon show a statistically significant increase (1.5 fold) in allergen content. Lastly, the eggs are pressure shocked to produce an abnormality so that they aren’t fertile.
I’m not eating that fish. Would you eat that fish?
And these three points on GM salmon are set out in Health Canada’s own document[iv]. So how can Health Canada approve the fish? Simple: it is silent on these points or it accepts the explanations presented by AquaBounty that the points aren’t “relevant”:
On the finding of higher levels of IGF-1, Health Canada accepts …Read More