Hello! Here is a short summary of our Federal Court case.
- Health Canada in April 2017 approved the registration for glyphosate use in Canada until 2032 or later.
- Safe Food Matters and 7 other groups filed notices of objection in late June 2017.
- In January 2019, Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) under Health Canada rejected all the objections.
- SFM and our President, Mary Lou McDonald, decided to take the last legal step possible: asking the Federal Court to review the legal basis for the rejections.
- Mary Lou is a retired lawyer. She drafted and filed the notice of application in February 2019.
- But she is not a court lawyer, so we hired Andrea Gonsalves of Stockwoods LLP, a vegan who is passionate about the case. They have kindly agreed on a “not to exceed”.
- The goal is an independent review of the basis for the registration of glyphosate, which could lead to a full or partial ban.
- At this time, legal arguments are being written.
- The case will be heard at the end of 2019 or early 2020.
- We are the only ones taking this legal step in Canada.
- Canada’s registration process is ahead of that in the US, so the case is important.
- Funding for the case is being fronted by Mary Lou, and covered by donations and a GoFundMe campaign.
- Please support us at Go Fund Me Taking Health Canada to Court over Glyphosate
In gratitude, Safe Food Matters Inc.
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Wonderful!!! Cheering you on from the USA.